Impact of Corporate Governance in the Application of the Financial Standard for Sustainability Accounting FNO 101


  • Dr. Muna Jabbar Mohammed



Corporate governance, the financial standard for sustainability accounting FNO 101 .


        The study aims to investigate the impact of corporate governance in the application of the financial standard for sustainability accounting FNO 101 . To achieve this aim , the study follows the descriptive analytical approach using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) in analyzing data and testing hypotheses . A questionnaire was determined and distributed for 30 practitioners of which 28 were valid for analysis . The most important conclusions were that governance mechanisms contribute to improving financial performance , which improves the quality of financial reporting to enhance confidence in financial statements through the application of governance indicators according to (GRI) standards . In addition, the application of the financial standard for sustainability accounting FNO 101 contributes to improving the financial performance of commercial banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange . One of the most important recommendations was the need for the economic entity to adhere to the application of governance rules and the application of the financial standard for sustainability accounting FNO 101 and to deepen and develop concepts , by holding specialized training courses for their employees , and to increase the level of disclosure and transparency in financial reports , and to make them available to all stakeholders to give shareholders and investors security for their money invested in this entity work to disseminate the concept and culture of governance and the financial standard for sustainability accounting FNO 101 in a wider way to all relevant parties, and to issue bulletins and instructions that reflect their concepts and applications .



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