The impact of the quality of strategic decisions in publishing the quality function: Analytical research in the Iraqi General Cement Company


  • Yusra Rabie Fawaz
  • P. Dr. Saadoun Mohsen Salman



the quality of strategic decisions, the deployment of the quality function, the voice of the customer, the voice of the engineer, , technical evaluation, matrix of relationships, competitive analysis


     The research aims to clarify the role of the quality of strategic decisions in the deployment of the quality function in the Iraqi General Cement Company, and by using the analytical approach. The dissemination of the quality function. The research also seeks to show the relationship between the dimensions of the quality of the strategic decision and the diffusion of the quality function (QFD) in its various dimensions. The Iraqi General Company for Cement gathered a group for research, and a sample was selected from it according to the de Morcan model to determine the size of the sample. They represent the administrative leaders in the organization, the research sample, and they are (the general manager, assistant general manager, department manager, and chief engineer). The statistical program (19.SPSS.Ver) was used for the purpose of conducting statistical treatments, and finally, the research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is the existence of a statistically significant effect relationship between the main and sub-variables of the research represented by the quality of the strategic decision (independent variable) with its dimensions (exceptional, continuity, Guidance), Quality Function Deployment (QFD) (dependent variable) in its various dimensions.



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