The role of financial inclusion in enhancing the economic participation of Indian women for the period (2011-2021)


  • Ayah Fadel Jabbar
  • P. Dr. Wafaa Jaffer Al-Mahdawi



financial inclusion, empowering women financially and economically


       This research dealt with financial inclusion in terms of concept, origin, and development. It also dealt with the financial empowerment of women, indicating the relationship between financial inclusion and women. The descriptive analytical method was used for the data, which includes reviewing and analyzing information and data in the financial and banking literature and indicating the extent of India's response to international programs and plans. Anti-women in society and a review of their local attitudes, and the research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is that compared to the countries of the developed world, Indian women, until the present time, still suffer from the relative decline in the sources of financing and the financial climate necessary to initiate the establishment of their economic projects; It is one of the main justifications that weaken the balanced economic participation. The research also reached a set of recommendations, the most important of which is that it is necessary to intensify and multiply the sources of basic financing for Indian women and the appropriate economic environment for them through controlling partial national plans and programs for the policy of targeted financial inclusion of marginalized women and supporting them to set up projects. economic; Join the global community to achieve the goals of sustainable development.


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