Use a straight correlation to determine the correlation between qualitative variables and heavy metals in the water of Sulaymaniyah province


  • أ.م.د. سوزان صابر حيدر
  • م. فرهاد عل احمد


correlation analysis, factor analysis, multivariate analysis.


Water is considered one of the most important natural resources at all. It is considered a
fundamental factor that underlies human life and all its social and economic activities in
various fields. Water from other natural resources is characterized by the fact that its
quantity is constant in the globe and is renewed within a specified period of time thanks
to the hydrological cycle. However, water is at high risk due to pollution, both natural
and human activity. Water pollution for chemical, physical or biological reasons is one
of the major problems of water resources and its maintenance. One of the most important
issues in combating water resources from pollution is the diagnosis and finding of the
factors (physical or chemical) affecting them, and finding the relationship (Correlation)
between them.
Heavy metals are naturally present in the ecosystem, with significant differences in
concentration. However, the recent increase in their rates is due to industrial sources and
industrial effluents, and the accumulation of these materials and non-decomposition are
the main factors causing water pollution. Therefore, this study examines the use of factor
analysis (Factor Analysis) to determine the main characteristics of water and use
(Canonical Correlation) in the study of the strength of relationships between variables
and then study the impact of a set of independent variables on water pollution (by finding strong correlations between the two sets of variables and determine the extent Morale and
type of link).

