تفعيل دور المجتمع المدني بشراكة دولية للتخفيف من الفقر في العراق


  • أ.م.د. هناء عبد الغفار حمود
  • د. اثير عبد الخالق محمد


International finance، International Development، poverty Policies، civil society.


The research seeks to study the main international trends to establish strategies of poverty reduction depending on different pillars represented by the poor people themselves، the society with all its components and groups، the state with all its institutions، the civil society organizations، trade unions and syndicates، traditional and social media، universities، and research centers. The research deals with the problem of poverty aggravation in Iraq during last years. It aims to suggest a number of mechanisms and tools to benefit from international cooperation with civil society organizations that can be used to determine how to encounter poverty problem by reviewing and analyzing some Europeans strategies and policies of poverty reduction that based on pillars of civil society، private sector، and international partnership، according to principles adopted MDG1(2000-2015) to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger and advocate for this through an international partnership in Goal 8 as a reference to those policies. The National Proposal for an International Participation Strategy included guidelines for trade unions in Iraq to reduce unemployment and poverty، as well as the institutional application of the international partnership effort by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

