The impact of industrial product pricing based on demand in entrepreneurial marketing: Analytical research of the opinions of a sample of managers in the General Company for Battery Manufacturing


  • Ali Hassan Abbas
  • Prof. Sarmad Hamza Al-Shammari



demand-based pricing, risk acceptance, innovation, entrepreneurial marketing .


Through the research , the researcher aims to determine the role played by industrial product pricing as an independent variable represented by its dimensions (pricing based on demand) in applying entrepreneurial marketing practices as a dependent variable represented by its dimensions (risk acceptance , innovation) , as the marketing and administrative challenges experienced by industrial organizations in Iraq There have become many, in addition to the rapid technological development that the world is witnessing and the diversity of customers’ desires and preferences , which has led to the necessity of breaking out of the traditional marketing style and searching for something new in the marketing field that can bring many advantages to companies , the most important of which is achieving profits and gaining the largest possible market share. Adopting a pricing method based on demand correctly allows the organization to exploit market opportunities and not waste resources. This is because studying demand accurately allows the organization to avoid the mistake of producing in large quantities that are not proportional to the size of future demand. The importance of the research is gained through the clear fact that the reality of the industry in Iraq is going through a difficult period , especially from the marketing side. For example , research through the researched community and the researched sample represented by the General Company for Battery Manufacturing to provide support for the marketing management and revitalize the industrial reality in Iraq. The researcher chose the purposive sample . (71) questionnaire forms were distributed to department heads and their assistants, division directors and their assistants , as well as to the director commissioner and his deputy , in addition to personal interviews .

The Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS v. 26) was adopted to measure and test hypotheses , and Microsoft Excel was used.

A set of conclusions and recommendations were reached . The most important conclusion is that entrepreneurial marketing is considered one of the modern and important topics because it possesses the elements that support the company and achieve its position in the market . Adopting it requires that this company carry out its work in a way that makes it focus on the customer. As for the recommendations , the most important is attention. To a greater extent , all types of risks to which the surveyed company is exposed through continuous follow-up work and taking the steps represented by risk assessment , risk analysis , and how the risk can be controlled in order to benefit from the risks and reduce them. 



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