The role of high containment management in modeling occupational bullying behaviors: Analytical research at the headquarters of the Iraqi Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs


  • Muhannad Hasan Thabet
  • Prof. Dr. Sahar Ahmed Karji Al-Azzawi



high containment administration, modeling occupational bullying behaviors, headquarters of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs


The research aims to know the role of high containment management in modeling occupational bullying behaviors, adopting an integrated approach, description and analysis in its completion. Accordingly, the research dealt with two variables: high containment management as an independent variable with its dimensions (motivation, training), and job bullying behaviors as a dependent variable and its dimensions (abuse during work, abuse of the individual, physical intimidation) to form the framework around which the study revolves. High containment management practices and occupational bullying behaviors, and framed that problem with a number of questions that were the basis for building the practical side. The research was conducted at the headquarters of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs as a study community. As for his sample, it was random, and it consisted of (97) managers consisting of (general managers, assistant general managers, department managers, assistant department managers, and division managers) and (205) employees, so that the final number became (302) respondents to answer the questions of the study’s questionnaire as the main tool for data collection and in order to determine the nature of And the level of the study variables and proving the validity of the main hypotheses in terms of the degree and type of correlation and the intensity of the effect. The researcher used statistical programs (AMOS V26, Excel V16, Microsoft SPSS V26) in analyzing and processing data and using many statistical methods, including (confirmative factor analysis, stability coefficient, weighted arithmetic mean) , relative importance, standard deviation, Z-TEST, F-TEST, level of significance, interpretation coefficient, Spearman rank correlation coefficient). Employing the influencing relationship of motivation and training in modeling bullying behaviors is in order to achieve the goals of the organization.


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