The effect of market targeting and pricing strategies on the basis of competition: an analytical study of a sample of officials in the oil products distribution company.


  • م.م.هيثم حامد سالم
  • أ.م.د.سرمد حمزة جاسم



market targeting strategies, positioning strategy, pricing based on competition.


  The purpose of the study is to reveal the effect of market targeting strategies as the first independent variable and the positioning strategy as the second independent variable in pricing based on competition as a dependent variable in the oil products distribution company. A decrease in the level of demand for its products of lubricants for motor vehicles due to the intensity of competition from imported products led to a negative gap between actual sales and planned sales. The analytical study approach was relied on for a sample of the senior and middle leaders in the company and those in the position of (general manager, assistant general manager, organization manager, department manager, and division official). The study sample was deliberately chosen and the study population reached (110) individuals, while The size of the sample studied was (88) individuals. The questionnaire, personal interviews, and observation were used as a tool for collecting data and information, as well as using the SPSS V25, AMOS 25 program in applying most of the statistical treatments and analyses in order to reach results that benefit the study and achieve its objectives. The researcher reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which are: Some of the company's products are going through a stage of deterioration, which is the last stage of the product life cycle due to intense competition in the market and change in customer tastes as well as technological progress, despite their low prices compared to imported products as a result of not providing Innovative products.


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