إمكانية تطبيق متطلبات إدارة الجودة الشاملة في المنظمات الصحية-دراسة تطبيقية في مستشفى ازادي التعليمي


  • م. سوزان عبد الغني


This study aiminstrative systeur , intellectually and practically to diagnose the reality of the application of total quality management requirements in Azadi Teaching Hospital, since the hospital is a service organization responsible for providing integrated health services

technical and financial resources whose sizes  are increasing and capabilities with the passage it is time to  keep pace with technical and health progress in the world today, The study population is made up of workers in the public Azadi hospital The study sample has been  selected by random class mads of items 34 Single The study is based on the descriptive method analytical data were by designing a questionnaire and is developed to measure the objectives of the study and testing of hypotheses dists buted  over five axes (support and the support of senior management, focus on the customer, the participation of workers, making decisions based on facts, continuous improvement) , Data have been dealt with in the computer and processed using the statistical program spss The study found hospital staff aware of the importance of applying the principles of total quality management (senior management commitment, focus on the customer, the participation of workers, making decisions based on facts, continuous improvement)





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