The impact of financial stability indicators on the value of banking sector shares in the Iraqi Stock Exchange


  • Haidar Jaber Miteb Al-Obaidi
  • L. Dr. Hanadi Sakr Maktuf



financial stability indicators - market value of the stock .


The research aims to study the impact of financial stability indicators on the value of the banking sector shares of the Iraq Stock Exchange, as financial stability indicators are a useful tool for examining the safety and health of the banking sector, as well as the performance of measuring the banking stability index consisting of four sub-indices (capital adequacy index, quality index Assets, liquidity index, profitability index), macroeconomic index, Ras market index, and financial cycle index for the period (2015_2020), and the banking sector of the Iraq Stock Exchange is represented in the research community, while the research sample was represented by (25) banks of the banking sector in the Iraq Stock Exchange Financial data was collected through the monthly and annual bulletins of the Iraq Stock Exchange and the reports of the Central Bank of Iraq and the Ministry of Planning, relying on some financial and statistical methods used to analyze the data such as (SPSS 24), (E Views V.9) and (Excel) programs, the simple linear regression equation, the multiple linear regression equation, the arithmetic mean, the standard deviation and the coefficient of variation. The research reached several results, the most important of which is that the banking sector index has the greatest impact on the increase in the percentage of the aggregate financial stability index, and there is no significant impact of the financial stability indicators on the market value. For stocks, the banking sector index also has no effect on the value of stocks, but the capital market index, the macroeconomic index, and the financial cycle index have an impact on the value of stocks, and also some sub-indices of the banking sector index have an impact on the value of stocks.


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