The role of investment policy in correcting imbalances in the production structure of the Iraqi economy after 2003


  • Ola Amer Abdel Wahab
  • P. Dr. Qusay Abboud Faraj Al-Jabri



investment policy , structural imbalances , the Iraqi economy .


This research aims to follow up and analyze the reality of the overlapping structural imbalances in the Iraqi economy after 2003 by providing a quantitative analysis of the most important types of overlapping structural imbalances in the Iraqi economy represented by (imbalance in the production structure, imbalance in the commercial structure, imbalance in the general budget structure), and it has been shown through The research shows that the structural imbalances in the Iraqi economy result from the inefficiency of the economic and political system in directing economic resources towards goals that would maximize social benefits, and that there is a significant increase in the percentage of the oil sector’s contribution to the formation of the gross domestic product compared to the rest of the other sectors due to the imbalance in the production structure in the economy. The Iraqi economy and the weak efficiency and quality of the economic sectors, and that investment expenditures during the period (2004-2020) are still small and do not meet the requirements for the advancement of the Iraqi economy. This dysfunctional spending structure also reflects a wasteful consumption policy, and this will affect the growth rates of the Iraqi economy. The study also recommended the need to direct resources Investment spending that affects the growth rates of the Iraqi economy is the most correct direction, and thus it will lead to absorbing high unemployment rates and diversifying the base and structure of the economy


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