The Importance Of Sustainability Governance To Achieve Social Responsibility In Private Universitie


  • Muhammad Farhan Falih
  • Ass. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abdullah Ibrahim



Sustainability Governance, Social Responsibility, Private Universities


The research aims to focus on the entrance of sustainability governance in achieving social responsibility in private universities and colleges by clarifying and explaining the importance of sustainability governance in order to reach social responsibility for all. Sustainability governance is the system that aims to preserve several aspects, such as the economy, the environment and society, including stakeholders. The quality of governance is related to resource management, and in order to achieve this, the focus should be on the individual (himself) being the main support for achieving growth, development and change. Social sustainability It seeks to achieve the well-being of all members of society, in order to improve the staff working in an important sector, which is the private universities. their roles towards social responsibility . The research concluded that realizing the importance of social and environmental responsibility for universities allows creating a kind of spirit of work, synergy, and cooperation between everyone related to the university (owners, students, community members) to achieve its goals, making business accountable, in return, sustainability governance standards make the efforts of these businesses measurable. And the most important thing that the research recommends is that establishing a culture of sustainability governance and social responsibility in societies and universities to become a general process and approach for all, reduce the effects and damages resulting from the use of resources, and achieve efficiency and effectiveness in the use of those resources.


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