Indicators for Assessing the International Investment Environment and Iraq's position – Private universities are developmental models


  • Assist.lecturer , Ahmed ibrahim Hussein Obaidi



Investment environment, University education, Ease of doing business index , Iraq .


The higher education sector represents the most prominent pillars supporting the investment environment and the main pillar of society and its economic and social advancement as it interacts mainly to reduce the scope of the economic and social gap of developing countries to reach the endeavor reached by developed countries, and therefore there must be a sound management of the economy as a whole based on academic knowledge, reasonable infrastructure and a degree of development for the financial sector and the minimum number of human resources with efficient skills and capabilities. It can be said that there are factors that shape the general economic, social, cultural and legal environment and affect the actual directly and indirectly on the performance of investment and achieve its profitability, such as economic methodologies, social conditions, and the legal and institutional framework that governs investments. A current research depends on the ease of doing business index and Iraq's position in it as one of the indicators for evaluating the international investment environment in general and Iraq in particular. As the private university education sector represents one of the sectors of increasing importance to attract investment, considering that universities are the core of sustainable development and its role in process of national renaissance project building , they are not only a main tributary of economic and social development , but they are in A heart of its fabric , they are the reason for progress and nation-building. Especially A higher education and scientific research establishments refers to An active by essential element in any development country , we can ask what universities produce from research activities , seminars, conferences, studies and others .

Higher education seeks to achieve sustainable development in an era characterized by the knowledge and information revolution, and thus education and development are two sides of the same coin centered on the human being and its goal is to build the human being and develop his ability and energies in order to achieve human development, and so that the state can compete with the world of global economy.


المصادر References

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