Adopting international financial reporting standards and their impact on determining earnings management practices in the economic units listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange


  • Zine El Abidine Ali Khanjar
  • Prof. Dr. Istiqlal Juma Wajar



international financial reporting standards, earnings management, Iraqi accounting rules, unified accounting system


    The research aims to shed light on the international standards for financial reporting and earnings management practices as one of the opportunistic methods followed by the administrations of economic units to manipulate the financial lists, as well as measuring the level of earnings management practices in the economic units listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange and knowing whether there is an effect of adopting the standards International Financial Reporting in determining earnings management practices compared to economic units that apply accounting rules and the unified accounting system. The Iraqi accounting rules, numbering 12 economic units for the period from 2019 to 2021, with 72 observations, and the et. al. 2005 Kothari to measure profits management practices in economic units, in addition to using some statistical methods for the purpose of proving research hypotheses. The International Financial Reporting Standards, represented by Iraqi private banks, are applied.


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