Buzz marketing on social media and its role in a brand building-An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of viewers of Zain Iraq advertisement to launch a service 4G


  • A.L.Mohammed Idan Bani Al khazraje
  • A.L.Ali Hussein Abdul Zahra



Buzz marketing, Buzz marketing via social media, brand building, Zain Iraq announcement to launch a service 4G


    The research aims to test the correlation and influence between buzz marketing and brand building and to identify the most effective buzz marketing techniques on social media, that contribute to building and spreading the brand. This study came to highlight the advantages that can be achieved from using buzz marketing techniques through social media. The research problem crystallized the extent to which Zain Iraq relied on buzz marketing techniques in its advertising campaign to launch the 4G service. The research sample consisted of (320) respondents who viewed the Zain Iraq advertisement to launch the 4G service. Social media (Facebook, Instagram), the analytical descriptive approach was adopted in analyzing the answers of the sample, and the spss v.26 programs and the SmartPLS program were used to reach the results. The seeding strategy was the most influential technique in building the brand, which is what Zain Iraq adopted in its advertising campaign to launch the fourth generation 4G service, as it used some famous artists to support the process of announcing its new services, and it also used the technology of creating noise by publishing the company’s advertisement in All its official pages, which greatly accelerated the spread of the advertisement.ا


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