The role of electronic human resources management in achieving organizational excellence: a prospective study in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs


  • Hawra Moayad Abbas
  • L. Dr. Safaa Jawad Abdel-Hussein



electronic human resource management, electronic recruitment, electronic compensation, organizational excellence, leadership, knowledge


The researcher aims through the research to determine the level of impact of electronic human resource management in its dimensions (electronic polarization, electronic compensation) in organizational excellence in its dimensions (leadership, knowledge), and the reason for choosing the subject of the research is that the organization faces challenges in the field of introducing electronic work in its activities before and during a crisis ( Corona) and the great need to adopt modern and advanced technology in managing electronic human resources, and the problem can be crystallized in the main question, which is (can the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs achieve organizational excellence when practicing electronic human resources management), achieving organizational excellence helps the organization to grow, survive and achieve its goals, Where the management of electronic human resources is the active workforce to ensure the survival of the organization and its sustainability and the achievement of its goals and that preserving its sustainability is one of the goals sought by the research. The research community included the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and the sample included the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs employees who searched for their different job positions, and the analytical descriptive approach was adopted in the research. The questionnaire was used as the main tool for research. It was distributed to a random sample of employees in the Human Resources Department. The number of distributed forms was (132), and (117) of them were retrieved, valid for analysis, with a recovery rate of (89%). ), and the most important statistical methods used are the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, divergence factor, and the SPSS-ver. 24 program was used in analyzing the data, and the research results concluded that there is a correlation and influence relationship between the main variables, the dimensions of electronic human resources management with organizational excellence and its dimensions, and the most important recommendations are the emphasis on the Ministry Labor and Social Affairs. The necessity of adopting and expanding electronic human resources management and using the following practices (electronic recruitment, electronic compensation), which has a clear relationship and role in achieving organizational excellence.


أ- العربية

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