The Impact of the Technological Dimension on Service Creativity and Process Creativity: An Analytical Research in the Directorate of National Card Affairs


  • Wissam Kazem Haider
  • A.Prof. Dr. Amer Abdul Latif Kazem



technological dimension, service creativity, process creativity


      The research aims to study the impact of the technological dimension on the creativity of the service and the creativity of the process in the government sector, specifically in the Directorate of National Card Affairs, which is one of the formations of the Ministry of Interior, as it is one of the important service directorates in the Ministry and has a major role in providing services to citizens in the country. The problem was the weak use of modern technology in the directorate under discussion, despite its impact and role in the directorate's operations and the service provided to citizens. The researchers chose a random sample from the community, which included (220) employees in the directorate under study, and used the questionnaire to collect information. The program (SPSS V.24) was used to show the results with the help of several statistical methods, the most important of which are (the weighted arithmetic mean, the standard deviation, the coefficient of variation, the correlation coefficient, and the simple linear regression coefficient). The research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is the existence of a weakness in the directorate under study in the use of technology to reduce or eliminate paperwork and routine administrative processes and not to use the intranet in its internal work, due to the directorate's reliance on the previous administrative approach. The most prominent recommendations were the need to expand the use of technology and modern devices in the directorate and at all administrative levels, giving the issue of bridging the gap between the expected service and the perceived service more attention by opening information and feedback programs and allowing the beneficiary to express his opinion on the quality of the service provided.


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