The role of green productivity strategies in achieving sustainable waste management / An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of workers in the Kirkuk Cement Factory


  • A. P. Suzan Abdul-Ghani Ali
  • A.P. Dr. Thamer Akab Hawas



   The research is based on the basic idea that companies today are heading a new direction towards protecting the environment associated with the growing awareness of the pollution damage caused by these companies as a result of their operations and activities in the environment, which necessitated the need for business companies to adapt themselves in response to successive developments, so the great development was that companies moved from responsibility The only economic for business to social responsibility by emphasizing the socially responsible profit, and crystallizing the research problem in the lack of knowledge of the workers in the researched factory with modern production concepts of green productivity strategies and sustainable waste management, and the importance of the research stems from the fact that it deals with the methods that would preserve the natural environment of Green productivity strategies (improving productivity and protecting the environment), with the aim of enhancing its competitive position and preserving the environment. The research sample consisted of (208) workers who have knowledge in their field of work. Correlation and effect relationships between the researched variables A set of conclusions, perhaps the most important of which is "that the employees of the researched organization pay great attention to green productivity strategies in order to manage sustainable waste, as well as to provide a set of recommendations, the most important of which is the need for the researched organization to pay sufficient and equal attention to green productivity strategies in order to achieve sustainable waste management.


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