تأثير إنتاج الغاز غير التقليدي على اقتصاديات الدول المصدرة للبترول التقليدي


  • أ.د.عبد الستار عبد الجبار موسى
  • ليث حمودي حسن


gas, unconventional gas, conventional gas, shale gas


    Unconventional gas is called gas extracted in different technological ways from conventional gas at relatively higher costs. It includes many species that are playing an active role in the market thanks to technological developments and high prices of conventional gas. Based on technological developments and modern technologies that contributed to the lower costs of extraction as well as the high prices of conventional gas in the international market, which made it as a new competitor in the energy markets and formed a pressure on the producing and exporting countries It aims to study the potential effects of unconventional gas production on international gas markets and their impact on the economies of conventional gas exporting countries by clarifying the concept of unconventional gas, identifying the types of these resources and estimating the quantities of their reserves and distribution. Internationally, determine the map and volume of its production at the international level, and address the economic effects of the increase in its production.

