A Philosophical View of the Organization’s Strategic Advantage as an Ecological Function of Managing Human Capital Under the Radical Technological Change


  • أ.د. سعد علي حمود العنزي
  • أ.م. مصطفى منير اسماعيل


            The aim of this paper is studying the strategic advantage as a function interpreted by the core competencies of the firm in terms of managing human capital under the radical technological change. In order to solidify the thoughtful linkages among the variables and their interrelationships, the description content-based approach has used  for verifying the validity of the paper’s main theme , which stated that “the distinctive core competencies of the firm interpret its  ecological  strategic advantage via managing human capital in the environment of technological change” .The descriptive theoretical  analysis after being conducted, it has reached to many conclusions agreed in their content upon the validity of the main theme  and its logical acceptance.






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