Using genetic algorithm to estimate gamma Lindley distribution parameters


  • Iyad Habib Shamal
  • Arshad Hamid Hassan



In this research, the most important statistical probability distributions were presented, which is the Kamma Lindley distribution, which results from combining the Kamma distribution with the Lindley distribution in the case of the presence of two parameters. It is considered one of the important distributions in the application of social, economic, and natural phenomena, as the most important properties of the Kamma Lindley distribution were studied, such as the moment generating function, the survival function, and the survival function. And risk.

The study of the most important methods for estimating the parameters of the Kamma Lindley distribution is represented by the maximum potential estimators and the estimators of the genetic algorithm, and based on real data representing the rainfall rate for the city of Baqubah from the year 1990 - 2020, the parameters of the Kamma Lindley distribution were estimated, and the results indicated the suitability of the data to the Kamma Lindley distribution and the algorithm estimators. Genetic is better than the maximum possibility estimator by relying on the Akiki goodness of fit criterion and the Pisa goodness of fit criterion. 



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