Comparison between Bayesian and maximum potential methods for estimating the cascade system reliability function for the generalized exponential distribution


  • L. Firas Munther Jassim



reliability of the cascade system (1 1), normalized exponential distribution, Gypsum sampling


This study dealt with estimating the reliability function of the cascade system (1 + 1) using the Bayesian and maximum potential methods, when the stress and strength variables follow the normalized exponential distribution. Various simulation experiments were conducted to find these capabilities and compare them. The simulation results demonstrated the superiority of the Bayesian method in the case of small and medium sample sizes, and the superiority of the maximum likelihood method in the case of large sample sizes, and that the values of the cascade reliability functions (1+1) for the generalized exponential distribution increase with increasing the value of the shape parameter of the durability variable, and decrease with increasing the value of the shape parameter. for the stress variable, as well as increasing the accuracy of the estimate when increasing the value of the measurement parameter of the normalized exponential distribution.


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