The Free Rider and the Tragedy of Communism


  • A . L . Abdullah Haider Jawad



The Free Rider , The Tragedy of Communism .


With the development of societies and the emergence of the role in the state in providing public goods and service. As well as because of the characteristics of purely public goods and services, such that they are consumed in common and due to the lack of possibility of exclusion, the free rider problem appears which constitutes a heavy burden on the government in providing public goods and services. This article aims to study this dangerous phenomenon. In addition, determining the reasons for its emergence and arriving at how to deal with this phenomenon. This study concluded that with the increase in the members of society who benefit from public goods and services in a common manner and the absence of motivation to contribute, this phenomenon would appear. This study suggested that countries should impose laws and regulations to confront this problem by imposing fines and penalties. Moreover, others, and should not be tolerated because they prevent the provision of public goods and services to members of society as a whole.       


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