استعمال بعض أنواع متغيرات التدخل لدراسة تأثير اللقاح على عدد الوفيات بمرض كورونا بأستخدام نموذج تحليل التدخل


  • Hind Majeed Ali
  • P. Dr. Adi Taha Rahim




Coronaviruses are a widespread family of viruses that may cause illness in humans and animals. Many of them are known to cause respiratory infections in humans and their symptoms are (fever, dry cough, muscle pain and aches, sore throat, diarrhoea, and loss of sense of taste or smell). Some symptoms are severe, such as difficulty or shortness of breath, chest pain, and inability to speak or move. (The research aims to use some intervention variables to determine the effect of vaccine doses on Corona disease. The data on which the study relied is a time series representing the weekly rates of numbers Deaths (3/4/2020) until (12/19/2022) weekly data were recorded through the daily bulletins announced by the Ministry of Health, and (146) views were obtained, which represent the number of deceased. It was concluded that the appropriate model to represent the number of deaths due to the Coronavirus is the model for the second variable. Also, the second intervention variable has a strong effect on the number of deaths. This means that the effect of the intervention for this variable begins two weeks after taking the vaccine and continues.



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Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate college of the oklahome stat University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

doctor of philosohpy.

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