The Impact of Sustainable Performance in Enhancing the Customer Experience / A Survey study of the opinions of a sample of students at Gilgamesh Ahliya University


  • Prof.Dr.Kadhim Ahmed Jawad
  • Lecturer. Ahmed Mohammed Ibrahim



sustainable performance, environmental performance, social performance, economic performance, customer experience


The research aims to determine the impact of sustainable performance with its dimensions (environmental performance, social performance, and economic performance) in enhancing the customer experience (sensory dimension, cognitive dimension, physical dimension, emotional dimension). Good about the researched university through sustainable performance, as universities in general and the researched university in particular face a clear disparity in student turnout resulting from perceptions and impressions generated by other individuals as a result of their experience in the university and what they actually saw in it, and the importance of the research comes from its researched variables, Sustainable performance has become the approach of universities in general and the university in question because it is a basic element in the contemporary business environment, and the customer experience occupies great importance because of its role in enhancing the competitive position of the researched university as a result of the positive impression and perception that is generated from a good customer experience that is entrenched in the minds of customers and which can be felt by the student Through the sustainable performance of the researched university, the questionnaire was distributed in the form of (Google Forms) to the university students, and then a sample of (150) male and female students was selected from the responses from the research community represented by the university students in its faculties. The required information that was analyzed using the (SPSS v.24) program and through the use of statistical methods. The resulting information was analyzed and a number of conclusions and recommendations were reached. The most prominent conclusion centered around the role that sustainable performance played in enhancing the customer experience and building perceptions and a good impression of the university. As for the most prominent recommendation, it relates to continuing to enhance sustainable performance through the dimensions that express it.



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