Measuring and analyzing the relationship between customs revenues and agricultural imports for the period (2003-2021)


  • Sameer Abd Shamran Mohsen
  • Prof. Dr. Raad Aidan Obaid Al-Atabi



customs revenues, customs tariff, agricultural imports


The research aims at analyzing, measuring and estimating the causal relationship between customs revenues and agricultural imports, and the extent of their interdependence with causal relationships that may be in one or both directions (back feed) according to the logic of the economic theory, which states that there is an inverse logical relationship between the customs tariff policy and imports of goods. And agricultural services as whenever The more customs taxes are imposed on imported goods and services, the lower the demand for them, and thus the lower the volume of imports from them, and this effect is a negative and significant effect. For the standard concepts used in the analysis of time series, the third topic was devoted to measuring and analyzing the relationship between customs policy and agricultural imports for the period (2003-2021). As the increase in customs revenues, represented by an increase in the customs tax by a certain percentage, will reduce agricultural imports by about a fifth of that increase, while a decrease in the customs tax by a certain percentage will increase agricultural imports by about a quarter of that percentage.


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