إعادة هيكلة الإدارات المحلية وفقا لقانون 21 الفقرة الخاصة بمنح الصلاحيات - بحث تطبيقي في مديرية بلدية ذي قار


  • أ.م.د أحمد كريم جاسم
  • جنان مكي فرهود


The problem of the study is in the pursuit of the Iraqi central Government in applying in the laws and legislation the Constitution to authorize the central part of its powers to local governments and departments, forcing the restructuring of local administrations to fit into the process of granting powers and on this basis, The research problem can be the represent (Intended restructuring process statement, and the applicability of the restructuring process in local administrations). What you need to restructure local administrations in the province of Thi Qar requirements (Municipality of Thi Qar Directorate) in accordance with the powers granted and find out obstacles that accompany the restructuring in the light of the granting of the law powers.                   

   The study found a set of conclusions, including:

* The regulations and legislation issued by the central government and local administrations summoned from local administrations in general and the Department of the Municipality of Thi Qar in particular to reconsider its structure is commensurate with the new legislation and regulations and provide the necessary supplies and the process of restructuring.     

  The study also found a number of recommendations, including:

* has the launch of the powers of financial resources must be accelerated like the administrative and legal powers to be able to accomplish the Directorate of stalled projects and development service to the province especially.





أدارة الاعمال