Dimensions of the creative behavior of the tour guide and its impact on enhancing competitive advantage: A Field research of the opinions of a sample of tourism company managers in the Holy Governorate of Karbala


  • L. Dr. Laila Jawad Hussein
  • A. Prof. Dr. Amal Kamal Hassan




creative behavior , tour guide , competitive advantage .


The senior managements of the tourism company seek to pay attention to the creative behaviors of the tour guide and the dimensions of competitive advantage, and contribute to something unique through which companies can win over their other competitors and thus achieve success, survival and growth in the tourism labor market. The research problem lies in the following questions :

1 . Is there a clear perception among managers in the companies studied about the concept and elements of the creative behavior of the tour guide ?

2 . Is there a clear perception among managers in the companies studied about the concept and dimensions of competitive advantage ?

3 . What is the nature of the relationship (correlation and impact) between the elements of the tour guide’s creative behavior and the dimensions of competitive advantage in the companies studied ?

     Given the lack of a study that addressed the relationship between variables in the Holy Governorate of Karbala, the researchers sought to include the current research within a comprehensive framework to study the relationship between them, aiming to increase the knowledge of managers in the companies studied about the concept and dimensions of the creative behavior of the tour guide and the concept and dimensions of competitive advantage, in addition to identifying the elements of behavior, creativity and explaining the correlation and influence between the two variables .

The descriptive-inferential approach was adopted to analyze the purposive sample’s answers to the questionnaire items, which consisted of (80) respondents. The ready-made statistical program (SPSS.V. 25) was used with the adoption of several statistical methods represented by (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, standard coefficient of variation, and coefficient Determination R2, relative importance, simple linear regression analysis, and multiple linear regression analysis. As for the research population, the travel and tourism companies in Karbala and the sample were the managers of some of these companies (Quraysh, Barakat Al Yassin, Liwa Al-Taf, Al-Durra, Al-Aseel, Al-Kafeel, Al-Helu, Qamar Quraish, Al-Fayrouzah, Shati Al-Hindiya Travel and Tourism). Based on this, the researchers reached the most important results (paying attention to the dimensions of creative behavior (authenticity, fluency, and mental flexibility) among tour guides and trying to find out the facts about their personal problems and family circumstances has a significant positive impact on their performance within... The work environment is one of their main success priorities, so tourism company managers and guides are called upon to pay attention to these dimensions and allocate the time and effort necessary to practice them because of their positive impact in enhancing their performance and correcting their behavior. 



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