The Best Estimate of The Reliability Function of The Series and parallel systems with Lomax Distribution Based on Type II Censoring Data


  • م. د. وفاء جعفر حسين
  • م. د. حسام عبد الرزاق رشيد
  • م.د. احمد عبدعلي عكار


In this paper, estimation the reliability function and the shape parameter for the Lomax distribution of a system consisting of independent compounds (m) linked together was serially and parallel to the censored  data of type two. The method of Bayesian expected  was used with three primary distribution functions for the hyper parameters and the standard bayes method based on a quadratic loss function and the maximum likelihood method, and through the simulation technique. the methods were compared using the Mean absolute percentage error criterion (MAPE) for the estimation results, the comparison between the methods showed that advantage of the Bayesian expected  method of estimation.

