تأثير بيئة العمل السعيدة في تعزيز الانتماء الجامعي


  • أ.د. سماح مؤيد محمود المولى
  • م.م. أريج سعيد أبو نايل


The present study included the formation of an intellectual framework around two
variables: the happy work environment and university affiliation. The importance of this
study was to try to link these two variables and to raise interest in achieving university
belongingness through the availability of elements of a happy work environment.
The problem of the study focused on the extent to which the Mustansiriya
University could be considered a happy work environment in a way that makes the
university professor feel that he belongs to this university. In this context, a number of
practical questions were raised to clarify the specific problem.
The study population consisted of (5) faculties of the Al-Mustansiriya University
faculties. The sample was defined as 280 teaching and teaching. Two main hypotheses
were derived from secondary hypotheses that were tested with a number of suitable
statistical tools. The questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting study data.
The results showed the validity of the hypotheses, where the results of the analysis
through the indicators established the role of a happy work environment in university
In the light of the results, a number of conclusions were formulated, the most
important of which is the weak relationship between professors and their principals
stemming from the lack of justice in dealing with them, which negatively affected their
participation in meetings, discussions and exchange of ideas. This in turn has a negative
impact on their contributions.

