Possibility of using ISO 27001: 2013 in the implementation of government contracts quality standards: case study in the Ministry of Commerce / Contracts Section


  • أ.م.د. رغد يوسف كبر و
  • أيمان فوزي كاظم


The research problem centered on the need for permanent search by organizations for
new ways to improve the quality of contracts through the performance of tasks using
modern systems of communication stages and advanced effective negotiation and use the
tools of reason related to the negotiator in terms of experience and intelligence in the
conclusion of effective and fruitful contracts and continuous control at all stages of the
contracting process as well Evaluate and address risks before and during their occurrence,
taking into account the privacy and confidentiality of all contracting parties. The contracts
concluded by the company are transparent, open and clear based on clear criteria as well
as the use of information technology. Computer-aided development as a competitive
weapon for the organization.

