استعمال انموذج الارجحية النسبية في تحديد اهم العوامل المؤثرة في تغيير نسبة الهيموجلويين في الدم عند النساء في سن الحمل


  • أ.د. دجلة ايراهيم مهدي
  • شيماء محمد احمد


Proportional Odds Model (POM) , Odds Ratio( OR) , Wald Test


This study includes a study of the importance of proportional odds model to determining
the most important factors affecting the change in the proportion of hemoglobin in the
blood in women of child-bearing age because this model is appropriate when the response
is ordinal variable in the study included 350 cases based on a questionnaire conducted by
the Institute of Nutrition and Research in Baghdad of the Iraqi Ministry of Health and we
concluded that the most variables affecting the change in the proportion of hemoglobin
in the blood are (Continue your menstrual cycle for more than seven days , is there a
miscarriage or a dead birth during your life , age , lack of food) We also show the
significance of the model used in the analysis.

