Organizational Silence and its Impact on Employees 'Organizational Confidence: A Survey of Employees' Opinions in the General Company for Leather Industries in Baghdad


  • م.م مها فاضل ابراهيم
  • م.م حسن مؤيد ابراهيم
  • رنا شاكر علوان


While some organizational managers consider silence to be loyalty, in fact silence
generates undesirable problems because it is a behavioral variable that can be a barrier
in achieving efficiency and high performance because feedback will be negative resulting
in job dissatisfaction which may affect The relationship of the worker with his manager
and hence in the decrease of organizational confidence. For the employee about the
problems that occur in the work and the impact on the level of confidence in their senior
management, and after the distribution of (80) questionnaire designed based on
previously tested standards of high reliability and stability and analysis of its data it
became clear to us that there is a negative relationship and the impact of silence on the
organizational trust , The research recommended the need to take into account the views
of employees and try to know the problems they suffer within the work by holding
permanent meetings with them and try to reach solutions to them so as not to turn in the
future to a problem difficult to deal with.

