سياسة الاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر في العراق بعد عام 2003 : مشاكل وحلول


  • م. إبراهيم حربي إبراهيم


     Iraqi economy faces significant problems, including low investment, and complex and compounded  problems inherited from the long years of siege and war experienced by Iraq, and wrong economic policies for governments that followed the former regime,  and the low end and the deterioration of the productive sectors due to the devastation,  as a result of war or because of the statute of limitations, and the low technical and living levels of employees and weak congruence or sectorial overlap between the different economic sectors. To understand the problems facing the investment it must be to identify the attributes of this economy and the strength or weakness it because of its directly effects affect the success or failure of investment in the country.

