دور الادارة بالمرح في تعزيز الانتماء التنظيمي – دراسة أستطلاعية في مركز بحوث السوق وحماية المستهلك –جامعة بغداد


  • أ.د. بيداء ستار لفتة
  • أ. آيــسل حمدي عثمان


 The research aims to shed light on the administration variables fun influential in achieving organizational affiliation and arrange them in terms of the degree of importance in influencing through a survey sample of the views of the staff of the University of Baghdad and consumer's and protect the Center for Market Research (28) individuals, has been used questionnaire as a tool head for the collection data, information, and analyzed their answers using circles, standard deviations, and the style factor analysis, and research found to a number of conclusions and was most prominent:   

       Show that there is a correlation and the impact of a group of sub-variants of the administration of fun in enhancing organizational affiliation strength and the percentage of their contribution to the interpretation of the overall disparity is (80.992%) was the order of these variables according to the degree of impact on organizational affiliation (the advantages of the administration environment of fun at the staff level, the advantages of the administration environment fun at the level of the center, the disadvantages of the administration environment of fun at the level of the center, the disadvantages of the administration environment of fun on the staff level, the resistance of the Centre and to have fun while you work) .





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