تحليل وتقييم أداء صناديق الأستثمار دراسة تحليلية في سوق الأوراق المالية السعودية


  • أ.م.د.هشام طلعت عبد الحكيم
  • دلال قاسم عبد الحسين


The and to the growing need for the presence of investment funds allow to Iraqi investors use their money for the purposes of saving in these funds, which understood the presence of the actual need for the existence of investment funds as a start to deal in securities through:-

1- whether there is a need for the establishing of investment funds in Iraq?

2- what is the possibility of establishment of investment funds in Iraq ?

3- Is the performance of  investment funds outperform that of the stock market in some Arab countries, such as Saudi Arabia?

The study found a number of conclusions, the most important on the inability of the professional administration supervising the portfolios of investment funds to achieve a return exceeds the return on the market rather than any lack of professionalism return.

study launched from the problem expressed in a number of intellectual and practical questions , and that the goal of which is the theoretical framing of study variables





أدارة الاعمال