تأثير توافر مقومات الصلابة النفسية للمديرين في تحقيق خفة حركة استراتيجية -بحث استطلاعي لاراء عينة من المديرين في مقر وزارة النفط


  • أ. د. رفاء فرج سموعي
  • م. شهناز فاضل احمد


The research aims  to dianose the Level of relationship and effect of the decision psychological Hardiness on strategic Agility aware of the importance of the subject itself as on of the important and modern.Themes which were writings around it somewhat Limited as wellas Purusing to stady it in a Field wich the nature of its activities requires the a necessary Link between the psychological Hardiness  for manegers and strategic agility .were selected as a society for research ,and managers working in ministry of oile ,was as asample included (85) managers. The questionnaire has been used as atool to collect the data &information . and by applying a number of descriptive statistical methods and experimental research , the search found asset of results the Highlighted on was the clear relationship and effect of the psyclogical Hardness on strategic agility .





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