التوافق المهني وأثره في الأداء الاستراتيجي للموارد البشرية " دراسة تحليلية لأراء عينة من التدريسيين في الجامعة المستنصرية / كلية الادارة والاقتصاد


  • أ.د. صباح محمد موسى
  • م.م. سحر أحمد كرجي


    This research addresses the impact of the vocational adjustment on strategic performance of management of human resources . In order to achieve this , it was adopted the indicators of vocational adjustment          (job satisfaction) satisfactoriness .

    It was expressed the strategic performance of management of human resources with the with the following perspectives (financial perspective , customer perspective , the perspective of learning and growth , internal processes perspective.

   The research problem has offered by asking the following question : How can use the vocational adjustment to achieve the strategic performance of human resources management , and to identify relationship and effect between them .

    The research was conducted at the Mustansiriya University , College of Administration and Economics , as it has been to obtain the necessary information through a questionnaire prepared for this purpose , where it was polled 35 member of the research sample of professors of mentioned college , by 15% of the total of 213 .

    It was resorted to a set of  statistical analysis tools in order to achieve the goals of research and testing its hypotheses and verification of the model level .

  1. Descriptive methods (mean , standard deviation , relative importance) to determine the level of response of the sample to the research variables , and the level of answer dispersion from their computational means , and the importance of the variable in the application .
  2. Rank correlation coefficient for (Spearman) to test the hypotheses of the relationship between the variables of the research .
  3. Simple linear regression coefficient to test the hypotheses of influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable .

    The search reached a set of conclusions come in the forefront of them , there is an effect for vocational adjustment on strategic performance of management of human resources .

   The research concluded with a set of recommendations relating their variables .   





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