دور نظم المعلومات المحاسبية في تعزيز الذكاء الاقتصادي (دراسة تحليلية)


  • أ.د. كريمة علي الجوهر
  • م. خديجة جمعة مطر


    As a result of the large number of competition faced by the economic units it had to be an integrated system in which technology and human talent to unite in order to access to information by others, where is the information essential for any administration raw material successful so will be discussed in this paper on the concept of economic intelligence as one of modern information systems which is different from other systems in many areas and determine its relation to accounting information systems. by studying descriptive analytical literature that dealt with the subject and through which information units system has been reached that is an important source of units in the economic intelligence process where the components of the system represents the structure of the information infrastructure of the smarter economic for its information on the Aldakhalih.oan economic intelligence environment is an information system that helps economic units through its application to benefit from the information that Iwafarha, which are commensurate with the decision, and can count the economic intelligence of the most important contemporary information that have an impact on all levels applied economic units systems for this system.

