" تأثير استخدام نظم المعلومات المحاسبية المؤتمتة على فاعلية المعلومات" بحث تطبيقي في قسم الشؤون المالية / جامعة ديالى


  • م.م عدنان طه كرفوع
  • م.م سناء ستار احمد
  • م. م ليث شاكر محسن


          This research aims to identify the automated  processing systems of accounting information and keep track of their impact on the effectiveness of the extracted information is then touched search to identify a relationship and effect between the automated processing and results that guide future practices, research sample of career staff in the Department of Finance was chosen and used form questionnaire to collect data has the research found the need to pay attention to the concept of the mechanism of accounting information and training and qualification of staff, which requires the use of their automated processing of data and work to set up a computerized program can keep up with the tremendous developments in the world system.                                                       

