دور السياسات التجارية في اطار الاندماج التجاري العالمي. الأردن حالة دراسية للمدة 1989-2014


  • أ.م .د مظفر حسني علي
  • م .م بثينـة حسيب سلمان


     The conditions and the nature of Jordan imposed special challenges related to the size of the economy, in general, and its sources of financing .The historical experiences of  the economy proved that its condition attached to the status of their trading partners and financiers from the Middle East (Arab countries), as well as some countries in Asia, and the severity of the impact of the Gulf countries and Iraq is clear on this economy, as well as the impact of its geopolitical position approached the Palestinian territories and Israel, in addition to its economy affected by European countries and the US. To overcome its economic crisis, it was sought to integrate with the outside world, and pursue a policy of openness by joining the World Trade Organization, and expand its trade agreements with the European world and the US, as well as Arab countries and the countries of Asia, and to improve the ability of its economy in the positive integration through the attributes of its production capacities, as well as work to expand the capacity of its economy to improve the flow of foreign capital, and in an effort to achieve that, it worked on a strategy for foreign trade built through interdependent with the national industrial, agricultural, commercial, and scientific strategies in order to achieve these goals.

