دور أساليب المحاسبة القضائية للحد من عمليات الغش والتلاعب


  • أ.م.د. صبيحة برزان
  • قيس مكي خلف


Key words : fraud and manipulation of accounting, Forensic Accounting methods.


The fraud and manipulation in the financial statements is regarded as one  of the important topics in the field of the accounting profession, the auditing, and led to a financial crisis, and the proliferation of scandals and  blighter in major international companies, in addition to that the big number of cases the courts and collect decide until now, seek search to identify on method lead to monitoring the performance  on the external auditor so limit from method accounting manipulation, as the forensic accounting look beyond the numbers to reveal the facts and allegations ,through form to identify the concept of fraud manipulation ,and the concept of forensic accounting  , hypothesis was tested  through use questionnaire from distributed on the set of samples from users of accounting in formation, and use factor analysis to notice the importance of forensic accounting method ,and which is more important in the application , have concluded results find the existence of cases of fraud ,and manipulation operations in the financial statement ,and the most important recommendations need necessity designation  forensic accountant                                                                                                                                                                     

