الذكاء الشعوري للمديرين وتأثيره في تعديل سلوك المرؤوسين -دراسة تحليلية لآراء عينة من المديرين في الجامعة المستنصرية


  • م.د. نغم علي جاسم
  • م.د. سحر احمد كَرجي


      Manager's Emotional Intelligence and its influence on modifying the  Employees Behavior : An Analytical Study on a sample of Managers in University of Mustansiriya

      This research aims to assess the intelligence emotional , with its five dimensions (self – Awareness , self management , empathy , self – motivation ,social skills ) , and its impact on behavior modification of subordinates , with its five steps  pinpointing the target behavior , measuring behavior , applied analysis method , select the method of reinforcement , assessing output ) , who occupy managerial positions , from departments and centers managers of the University of Mustansiriya .

      To achieve the objectives of the search and selection of its hypotheses , it has been relying on the collection of data on a form prepared for this purpose , and distributed to the sample's members (30 Director) , which all have been analyzed for statistical analysis , using statistical software (SPSS) , and relying on a set of descriptive statistical and analytical methods , selected to describe and diagnose the variables of research , and determine the relationship and influence .

In light of the results obtained , the research number of conclusions has been reached such as  conclusions :

    There is a significant effect of emotional intelligence to modify the behavior of subordinates , and make recommendations as may be necessary , and the most important of them is to enhance the practices of human resources management , including the process of managers' performance  evaluation , with standards focus on emotional intelligence capabilities , and steps to modify the behavior of subordinates .





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