توظيف نظم المعلومات الجغرافية في ارساء البنى التحتية لتنمية مقومات الجذب السياحي وبناء نموذج مقترح للتنبوء بالطلب السياحي - دراسة تطبيقية في بعض مناطق اهوار العراق


  • أ.د. حامد سعد نور
  • م.م. زينب صادق مصطفى


      Practical  gained geographical studies gained of great importance in recent times, especially after that contributed GIS techniques in overcoming the obstacles faced by researchers regarding the information spatial huge and diverse, processed and analyzed and utilized in making appropriate decisions. Where technology uses GIS as an analytical tool effective for both planners or decision-makers, where they help in completing the development plans at a faster pace and with high quality and reduces waste, including in the energy and resources

The proper planning for geographical positioning tourist promising and choose the best of these sites uses tourism in light of the potential of natural and human and environmental friendliness, it must take the planning of all development prospects possible into consideration, in order to gain access to calendar sites most objective among a group tourist sites proposed, and thus GIS can play a key role in providing and whatever means and appropriate solutions to make processors and logical analysis

