effect And relationship between the empowerment of Employees and job satisfaction A prospective study of the views of a sample of Employees in a number of hospitals Kirkuk


  • م.د. عبد الستار سالم عوض


The study has examined the impact of the dimensions of enabling workers in job satisfaction, especially as the independent variable empowerment of (b power, and the availability of information and ownership, and possession of knowledge and investment, bonuses), and variable-based job satisfaction of b (salaries, wages, promotion, labor relations, working conditions).The study has tested a number of hospitals in Kirkuk health department. The resolution has been adopted as the Chairperson of the data collection tool in the field side. Has been testing a number of key assumptions relating to link relations and relations of influence, and based on the test hypotheses in the surveyed organizations come to the set of results including:

  1. There is no significant correlation between empowerment and job satisfaction for workers in the surveyed organizations relationship.
  2. This is a relationship of a moral effect of empowerment in job satisfaction for workers in the surveyed organizations.

Based on the findings of the study's conclusions , a set of proposals has been proposed among which was the need to increase attention researched the development of the awareness of organizations and recognize the workers in the middle and lower departments of the dimensions of empowerment by giving them the power to influence people and events in accordance with the conditions that Augeunha and the creation of an appropriate regulatory environment characterized by openness and trust and the exchange of information and knowledge in view of the importance of the concept of empowerment in promoting job satisfaction as well as its role in achieving organizational goals.





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