Measurement and disclosure about environmental quality costs in the economic units


  • أ.م.د. جليلة عيدان الذهبي


    Trying to measure and manage environmental quality, costs and disclosed in the economic units under the reliance on the existence and implementation of quality own specifications to the environment ISO 14000 requires economic units carry out their activities in a manner sensitive laws and regulations and environmental legislation in the various stages of production and marketing and the optimal use of economic resources and reduce waste and recycle and others to achieve environmental sustainable development.

    The research was applied at the Daura Refinery , one of the leader company in oil sector  , which is considered its most dangerous polluting activities environmentally market rankings companies , the research had reached to the need for economic units measuring environmental quality costs and separated from the other of the four categories of costs  and disclosed in a separate organization reports and clear and easy to understand in order to make use of them in the decisions that serve to improve and preserve the environment

