سياسة تمويل المبادرة الزراعية في العراق عام 2008 الجهات التنفيذية وصناديق الإقراض التخصصية


  • أ . د سعد عبد نجم عبدالله العبدلي
  • أياد كاظم عيدان البولاني


    The research aims to show the importance the availability of standards and the foundations of agricultural finance in the financing policy adopted by the government in order to achieve its objectives, the Iraqi government adopted after the mid-2008 comprehensive agricultural initiative to promote the agricultural sector and irrigation by providing additional funds the general budget to support the ministries of agriculture and water resources and support activities projects and events chock agricultural sector, as well as providing agricultural loans to investors through specialized lending funds, and included a problem with the (lack of credit policy plan funding for the initiative and its dependence on the public budget revenues in the provision of funds, which affected one way or another to achieve their objectives), which included research two themes touched first to agricultural initiative, the administration and executive bodies, while touched second to agricultural lending mechanism in the specialized lending funds, curriculum description adopted and analysis to reach results that included a period (2008-2015), the researcher suggested a number of conclusions notably affected the agricultural sector and irrigation allocations and loans to rise and the decline in the general budget total dependence on oil revenues, and for varying the funds planned and disbursed to the provinces and funds specialized lending to the lack of credit plan, and researcher recommended that inventory financing policy agricultural cooperative bank after the restructuring, as well as the adoption of a deliberate credit plan based on accurate statistics the reality of the agricultural sector and to link lending saving process.                                                                          

