مدى توافر متطلبات نظام إدارة الجودة في صناعة النفط والغاز على وفق المعيار الدولي ISO 29001: 2010 وتحليل الفجوة -دراسة حالة في شركة مصافي الوسط/ مصفى الدورة/ قسم المزج وأوعية التعبئة


  • أ.م.د. أسعد كاظم نايف
  • عمار حسين محمد الخزرجي


      This research deals with the international standard (ISO 29001: 2010) and focuses on the basic requirements in an attempt to study these requirements in the Iraqi environment and to identify the most important problems that prevent their application. One of sections A Dura refineries\department blending and containers packing site has been selected  to conduct research, and to get the data was conducted personal interviews, as well as the use of a checklist (Check List), and in order to reach the desired results have been used a number of means of statistical analysis have been used . The research aims to diagnose the gap between the actual reality of the quality system in the company's research sample and the quality management system in accordance with the requirements of the standard ISO standard (ISO29001: 2010) through the diagnosis of non-conformity with the requirements. The researcher to a number of conclusions, most notably the lack of firm commitment to implement the Quality Management System (ISO29001: 2010) in the section of the research sample, as well as a weakness evident in the documentation processes, and researcher recommended the need for the company's attention to the application and document all requirements ISO (29001: 2010) equally and to provide the necessary supplies and resources.






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