Application of the theory of constraints to achieve scheduling efficient : a case study at the modern paint industries company


  • أ.د.صباح سعيد النجار
  • أ.م.د.لمياء سلمان الزبيدي
  • اسيل موسى التميمي


The Theory of Constraints aims at diagnosing bottlenecks by identifying constraints to the company's work and thus be addressed through the application steps Theory of Constraints and which represents an effective tool that helps get rid of the bottleneeks points Here's the study shows a problem that can be framed (b emergence of restrictions and points choking lead to inefficiency of the company's performance) To reach the goals of the research were selected modern paint company. as a sample search and for the period (2000 2015-) as a sample for the study, the research found a set of conclusions and recommendations including high operational performance indicators in the production of dyes line and thinner after the application of the Theory of Constraints and decrease the percentage of time the unemployed, the use of schemes Gantt scheduling product mix in the production stations .





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