أثر المخاطرة المالية القطرية في عائد ومخاطرة الاسهم العادية - دراسة تحليلية في عينة من المصارف المدرجة في سوق العراق للأوراق المالية


  • أ.م.د. حيدر يونس كاظم


The represents risk in all its forms and subdivisions an essential foundation in investment and speculation in the financial and economic field، as this based of great importance in determining the priorities of investors on the level of the local economy (partial or total) or international. And he received the Qatari risk term overall financial and risk Specifically researchers and those concerned with investment interest because of its effects and intricacies of front and rear with all the economic variables، in order to know the impact of this important and vital for the economy index in influencing the level of internalized sectors under the banner of the financial market has come this study to shed light on a number of important points in this regard of the most important of the listed banks in the financial market in Iraq، the analysis and the harmony of the movement of this sector with the general movement of the market on the side of returns and risk and measure the impact of the financial risk of Iraq، according to classified directory of country risk (ICRG) on actual returns for stocks Iraqi banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange. The most research problem in the impact and the reflection of the financial risk as an essential part of country risk on the effective yield of the shares of Iraqi banks and the study sample included in the Iraq Stock Exchange and analysis of risk on the financial market and the banking sector in a single level.

Was chosen as the Iraqi banking sector as a sample of the economic sectors listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange by selecting seven banks was characterized by continuity and uninterrupted for the duration of search (Bank of Baghdad، Commercial Bank، Middle East Bank، Islamic Bank of Iraq، Al-Mansour Bank and the Bank of Dar es Salaam and finally bank Gulf commercial)، and in the side of the financial risk it has been the adoption of the international Classification Guide for country risk (ICRG) on a monthly basis.





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